환경친화 공동주택에 대한 전문가인식 변화 연구

환경친화 공동주택에 대한 전문가인식 변화 연구
Perception of the Professionals for the Environment-Friendly Apartments
저자 류지원, 박원규
소속 대구지역환경기술개발센터, 호남대학교
학술지정보 한국주거학회 논문집 KCI KCI Candidate
발행정보 한국주거학회 2007년
자료제공처 국회도서관 KIS47
주제분야 사회과학 >  가정학

This study was intended to examine the change in the perception of the professionals for the environment-friendly apartments. After result of implementing the question survey against the professionals two times, the degree of importance in the environment-friendly design elements didn't show any significant change. However, it showed the degree of maturity on the concept of environment-friendly development is widely spreaded in terms of social, economic and environmental aspects. Based on the description of such results, the conclusion can be deduced as follow; 1) Presumably it would require 5 years for the diffusion of the concept of environment-friendly apartments and 10 years for the construction of developing its materialization and settlement respectively, 2) The proper density would be designed in 150~200% in view of the environmental and economic aspects. 3) It is necessary to change the existing system into the District Unit oriented planning & design method in order to apply the environmental design elements in smooth manner.

 This study was intended to examine the change in the perception of the professionals for the environment-friendly apartments. After result of implementing the question survey against the professionals two times, the degree of importance in the environment-friendly design elements didn't show any significant change. However, it showed the degree of maturity on the concept of environment-friendly development is widely spreaded in terms of social, economic and environmental aspects. Based on the description of such results, the conclusion can be deduced as follow; 1) Presumably it would require 5 years for the diffusion of the concept of environment-friendly apartments and 10 years for the construction of developing its materialization and settlement respectively, 2) The proper density would be designed in $150{\sim}200%$ in view of the environmental and economic aspects. 3) It is necessary to change the existing system into the District Unit oriented planning & design method in order to apply the environmental design elements in smooth manner.

환경친화 공동주택에 대한 전문가인식 변화 연구 / 류지원 ; 박원규 1
Abstract 1
I. 서론 1
II. 이론적 고찰 2
1. 공동주택의 환경친화 개념 2
2. 공동주택의 환경친화 계획요소 2
III. 전문가 인식 비교 3
1. 조사의 개요 3
2. 조사대상자의 특성 4
3. 환경친화 공동주택의 개발방향 4
4. 계획요소의 중요도 평가 6
IV. 결론 7
참고문헌 8

 한국녹색인증원 홈페이지

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