라벨이 #분석인 게시물 표시

녹색성장에 관한 이명박 대통령의 인지지도 분석

녹색성장에 관한 이명박 대통령의 인지지도 분석 Cognitive map analysis of President Lee on the Policy of Green Growth 저자명  김동환, 안지영 문서유형  학술논문 참고문헌  14건 인용된횟수  도움말4건 학술지  한국 시스템 다이내믹스 연구 제10권 제4호 (2009. 12) pp.39-51 1229-8085 발행정보  한국시스템다이내믹스학회 |2009년 |한국 |한국어 주제분야  복합학 > 과학기술학  서지링크  국회도서관 (청구기호 350.0073 ㅎ155) , KISTI , 한국학술정보 , 한국연구재단 <초록> In this paper, we constructed a cognitive map of President Lee of Korea on the policy vision of green growth. This cognitive map is characterized by a scarcity of feedback loops and a strong emphasis on the positive loops. These characteristics can be understood by the fact that the green growth policy is to overcome the limits to growth coming from negative feedback loops. As a conclusion, we proposed a negative feedback loop approach to the green growth policy vision, which might minimize the side effects of positive loops. In this paper, we constructed a cognitive map of President Lee o...

지역난방 공동주택의 건축물 에너지절약 설계기준 강화에 따른 난방에너지 사용량 분석

지역난방 공동주택의 건축물 에너지절약 설계기준 강화에 따른 난방에너지 사용량 분석 Analysis of Heating Energy Consumption of District Heated Apartment with respect to Reinforcement of Building Energy-saving Design Criteria 저자명 이성우, 정광섭, 김영일 문서유형 학술논문 참고문헌 7건 학술지 한국지열에너지학회논문집 7(2) 16-22 1738-6985   발행정보 한국지열에너지학회 |2011년 |한국어 주제분야 공학 > 전기전자공학  서지링크 KISTI  <초록> Since 1970s, energy-saving design criteria of buildings has been improved through numerous revisions. The purpose of this research is to show how energy saving design criteria affects heating energy consumption of apartments using district heating. Heating energy consumption has been measured in 4 apartments located in Gyeonggi province, Korea from Nov. 1,2007 through Oct. 31, 2008. Collected data was regressed to linear correlations. Heating energy consumptions were calculated for past, present and future energy-saving design criteria, which are outdoor temperature, ventilation and insulation. The resul...

서울시 햇빛지도 기반의 RPS제도를 고려한 옥상녹화 연계 태양광발전 시스템의 경제성 분석

서울시 햇빛지도 기반의 RPS제도를 고려한 옥상녹화 연계 태양광발전 시스템의 경제성 분석 Economics Analysis of Photovoltaic Power Generation Linked with Green Roof in Consideration of Seoul Solar Map-based RPS 저자명  김태한, 이소담, 박정현 문서유형  학술논문 학술지  한국생태환경건축학회 논문집 17(1) 77-82 1598-3730  발행정보  한국생태환경건축학회 |2017년 |한국어 주제분야  공학 > 건축공학  서지링크  KISTI <초록> In power supply systems for urban areas, issues such as a progressive tax have escalated recently. In this regard, photovoltaic power generation, which is appraised as an alternative power generation system, is drawing attention increasingly for its high stability and applicability to existing infrastructure. This study assessed the realistic feasibility of photovoltaic power generation and also analyzed the economic benefits expected when it is linked with green roof, which is likely to promote ecological functions in urban areas, based on the Seoul solar map, RPS, and actual monitoring data. The economics analysis ...