라벨이 BIM인 게시물 표시

풍력발전기와 BESS를 결합한 전력계통의 공급신뢰도 기여함수

풍력발전기와 BESS를 결합한 전력계통의 공급신뢰도 기여함수 Development of Reliability Contribution Function of Power System including Wind Turbine Generators combined with Battery Energy Storage System 저자명 오웅진, 이연찬, 최재석, 윤용범, 장병훈, 차준민 문서유형   학술논문학술지  전기학회논문지 제65권 제3호 (2016년 3월) pp.371-381 1975-8359 KCI 발행정보  대한전기학회 |2016년 |한국 |한국어 주제분야  공학 > 전기전자공학  서지링크국회도서관 , DBpia , KISTI ​ This paper presents a study on reliability assessment and new contribution function development of power system including Wind Turbine Generator(WTG) combined with Battery Energy Storage System(BESS). This paper develops and proposes new reliability contribution function of BESS installed at wind farms. The methodology of reliability assessment, using Monte Carlo Simulation(MCS) method to simulate sample state duration, is proposed in detail. Forced Outage Rate(FOR) considered probabilistic approach for conventional generators is modelled in this paper. The penetration of large wind power can ma...