신재생에너지 확대와 에너지 저감이GDP에 미치는 영향
신재생에너지 확대와 에너지 저감이GDP에 미치는 영향 저자 이우평, 강상목, 이명헌 소속 부산대학교, 부산대학교, 인하대학교 학술지정보 신재생에너지 발행정보 한국신재생에너지학회 2018년 자료제공처 NRF 주제분야 공학 > 자원공학 #확률변경분석 , #신재생에너지 , #에너지 , #기본계획 <초록> This study examined whether the Korean GDP would be affected by long term governmental energy and renewabletargets based on the time varying efficiency of the SFA production function approach with international panel statistics. Theefficiencies of Korea were estimated to be 0.43~0.51. Korea has potential for efficiency improvement considering its distance from thefrontier. According to the simulation, 16,692 million dollars of GDP loss can occur from fulfilling the energy and renewable targetuntil 2035. On the other hand, if the efficiency increases as estimated, the loss will be surpassed; 264,692 million dollars of GDP willbe added even considering the loss simultaneously. Therefore, the energy plan can cause some GDP loss, but the loss would beacceptable if efficienc...