라벨이 #해조류인 게시물 표시

해조류를 이용한 친환경 에너지소재

해조류를 이용한 친환경 에너지소재 Algae Based Energy Materials 저자명 한성옥 문서유형 학술논문 학술지 신재생에너지  4(4) 50-55 1739-3935 KCI후보 발행정보 한국신재생에너지학회 |2008년 |한국어 주제분야 공학 > 자원공학  서지링크 KISTI  <초록> Recently, sea algae cultivation as carbon sink and carbon dioxide fixation have been considered. Also, various researches on bioenergy derived from sea algae and the utilization of fibers, saccharide, and lipid of sea algae have been performing. Till now, algae fibers has been used for manufacturing of paper and reinforcing of polymer composites and the extracts of sea algae are used for cosmetics, pharmaceutical materials and food such as agar. Especially, algae fiber has so similar properties to cellulose in terms of crystallinity and functional groups that it can be utilized as reinforcements of biocomposites. Biocomposites as alternatives of glass fiber reinforced polymer composites are environmentally friendly polymer composites reinforced with natural fibers and ar...