라벨이 #Roof인 게시물 표시

옥상녹화시스템의 기온조절효과와 태양광발전효율간의 상호연관성 규명을 위한 전산해석연구

옥상녹화시스템의 기온조절효과와 태양광발전효율간의 상호연관성 규명을 위한 전산해석연구 A Study on Computer Simulation to Investigate Correlations between Temperature Controlling Effect of Green Roof System and the Photovoltaic Power Generation Efficiency ​ 저자 김태한, 박성은 학술지정보 한국태양에너지학회논문집 KCI 발행정보 한국태양에너지학회 2013년 피인용횟수 2 자료제공처 국회도서관 KISTI 기계·건설공학연구정보센터 건축도시연구정보센터 한국연구재단 주제분야 공학 > 기타공학  <초록> These day cities experience serious climatic changes due to environmental load caused by disturbance in the circulation systems of water resources and energy. As technological improvement to respond to various climatic changes and disasters are also requested in the field of construction, inter-disciplinary studies linked to the establishment of sustainable environmental control and energy systems is required in a consilient perspective. This study aims to infer correlations in the impact of environmental changes caused by rooftop greening system on the photovoltaic power generation efficiency throu...