라벨이 #위치인 게시물 표시

표준시험동 바닥충격음 측정위치에 대한 고찰

표준시험동 바닥충격음 측정위치에 대한 고찰 Investigation of receiving position in the measurement method for floor impact sound in a testing building ​ 저자 이신영, 유승엽, 전진용 발행정보 한국소음진동공학회 2007년 피인용횟수2자료제공처KISTI 주제분야 공학 >  기계공학 <초록> The measurement of floor impact sound have been standardized in KS 2810-1 and 2. The height of receiving microphones position is specified in the standard as 1.2m which is almost half height of apartment rooms as a listening position. In this study, receiving positions are investigated by measuring the distribution of sound pressure levels at 792 receiving microphone positions in the standard testing building. Standard impact sources, tapping machine and impact ball, are driven on the center position in the source room where is located at the above floor. It was found that the distribution of sound pressure levels in the receiving room indicates significant deviation at different frequencies there is more than 5dB drop at 63Hz but 2dB rise at ...