아파트단지의 입지유형별 주동향에 따른 일조분석
아파트단지의 입지유형별 주동향에 따른 일조분석 An Analysis of Sunshine According to the Blocks Direction by Location Type in Apartment Complex 저자명 장승재, 박민용 문서유형 학술논문참고문헌11건 학술지 한국주거학회 논문집 제14권 제5호 (2003. 10) pp.11-17 2234-3571 발행정보 한국주거학회 |2003년 |한국 |한국어 주제분야 사회과학 > 가정학 서지링크 국회도서관 (청구기호 643.10951 ㅎ155) , KISTI , 건축도시연구정보센터 , 학지사 뉴논문 This study is aimed at analyzing on the sunshine according to the blocks direction by location type of apartment complex in Busan, to propose a planning on the decision of blocks direction and the improvement of architectural law in sunshine environment. The results of this study were as follows; On the basis of winter solstice in "□ block type", the average of ratio of shadow area in flat site is 51 % in apartment with a southern exposure, 39% in apartment with a south-eastern exposure. The average of ratio of shadow area in the descended site toward the north is 49% in apartment with a southern...