국내외 녹색건축인증제의 유지관리 및 재인증 제도에 대한 비교 연구
국내외 녹색건축인증제의 유지관리 및 재인증 제도에 대한 비교 연구 A Comparative Study on Management Evaluation and Re-certification System of G-SEED, BREEAM, LEED 저자 현은미, 김용식 학술지정보 한국생태환경건축학회 논문집 KCI 발행정보 한국생태환경건축학회 2014년 피인용횟수 0 자료제공처 KISTI 건축도시연구정보센터 한국연구재단 주제분야 공학 > 건축공학 <초록> As time passes, the aging of the plant building, the building's energy performance degradation than the initial plan does not express a situation could arise. This year, the certification of buildings certified in 2009 has expired for measures such as the situation required. In this study, management of national and international green building certification and re-certification was compared in two ways. First, the evaluation of green building certification system management assessments were compared. Second, the green building certification system for the re-certification analysis. As a result, G-SEED was not reflected life-cycle of building in management assessment and the commissioning of G-SEE...