국내 친환경 건축 모델하우스에 대한 비교 연구
국내 친환경 건축 모델하우스에 대한 비교 연구 The Comparative Study for Green Building model house design in Korea 저자명 강연주, 김문덕 문서유형 학술논문인용된횟수 도움말1건학술지한국실내디자인학회논문집 제21권 6호 통권95호 (2012. 12) pp.212-223 1229-7992 KCI 발행정보 한국실내디자인학회 |2012년 |한국 |한국어 주제분야 예술체육 > 디자인 서지링크 국회도서관 (청구기호 747 ㅅ588) , DBpia , KISTI , 건축도시연구정보센터 <초록> The “Eco-friendly”, “Green” concepts was began around 1992 after the Rio Environmental Summit, and the need for sustainable development globally widespread. The green building certification system was began around 2000 and the concept of green building was started in the late 1990s. The green building, which welcomes a period of radical change, is for the survival of the Earth “climate change” and reducing energy consumption in building sector. In this architecture of eco-friendly concept, the green building is rapidly expanding and existing as a ecological environment preservation. Moreover, the re...