지속가능한 생태도시 및 생태마을에서의 거주자의 역할
지속가능한 생태도시 및 생태마을에서의 거주자의 역할 The Role of Residents for the Sustainable Ecopolis and Ecovillage 저자 곽인숙 학술지정보 Family and Environment Research KCI 발행정보 대한가정학회 2001년 자료제공처 국회도서관 KISTI 국립중앙도서관 주제분야 사회과학 > 가정학 <초록> This study was performed to identify the roles of residents for the environmentally sound and sustainable development, taco-polis(kologisches Bauen), eco-village and Symbiotic Housing. These buildings will achieve energy efficiency through design strategies such as passive solar heating system, natural cooling and day lighting. Their infrastructure will feature parking on the periphery, extensive pedestrian paths, outdoor ground lights that preserve stellar visibility, and environmentally sensitive technologies such as low writer use fixtures. And they will restore biodiversity while protecting the wildlife, wetlands, forests, soil, air and water. Their houses wile be designed to support home-based occupations, offering high-speed Internet access and ot...