라벨이 #업무시설인 게시물 표시

친환경 건축물 인증제도의 용도별 인증결과 분석

친환경 건축물 인증제도의 용도별 인증결과 분석 Study on Assessment Results of Green Building Certification Criteria According to Use ​ 저자 김동희, 조동우, 유기형 소속 한국건설기술연구원, 한국건설기술연구원, 한국건설기술연구원 학술지정보 대한건축학회논문집(계획계) 발행정보 대한건축학회 2010년 자료제공처 국회도서관 국립중앙도서관 한국연구재단 주제분야 공학 > 건축공학 ​ #친환경건축물인증제도 , #공동주택 , #주거복합 , #업무시설 , #학교시설 , #판매시설 , #인증결과 , #녹색건축인증연구소 ,#친환경, #bf인증 , 셉테드 ​ <초록> In Korea, the green building certification criteria have been not revised since 2005 for apartment complex. So, the level of building certification criteria is below the newest green technology. This study aimed to pick out the items requiring improvement for apartment complex, multi-residential, office, school, store. For this purpose Existing 390 certified building were selected. The items requiring improvement were pick out according to the average score-to-allotted point ratio. The results of this study will use for revision about green building certification criteria. ​ ...

초고층 건축물의 용도별 피난안전구역 성능확보 방안에 관한 연구

초고층 건축물의 용도별 피난안전구역 성능확보 방안에 관한 연구 (A)Study on the Improvement of the Refuge safety area in High-rise Buildings Type 저자명 이병현, 이경희 문서유형 학술논문 학술지 설비공학논문집 제28권 제7호 (2016년 7월) pp.288-292 1229-6422 발행정보 대한설비공학회 |2016년 |한국 |한국어 주제분야 공학 > 기타공학  서지링크 국회도서관 , KISTI <초록> The purpose of this study was to improve the refuge safety area in the high-rise building type. Each simulation was conducted to evaluate the performance of three types in improving the refuge safety area. Targeting the first 63 floors (no refuge safety area), secondly, to target up to the $30^{th}$ floor (refuge safety area on the $30^{th}$ floor, $47^{th}$ floor) specified in domestic laws, and finally, the $20^{th}$ floor (evacuation safety area on the $20^{th}$ floor, $42^{th}$ floor) were considered as targets. Through this analysis, the following results were obtained : The floor for the refuge safety area through simulations showed that the evacuation time is low. It is necess...

국내 업무시설 부문의 친환경건축물 인증 평가항목 분석 : 2010년~2012년 국내 친환경 인증 업무시설의 사례 분석을 중심으로

국내 업무시설 부문의 친환경건축물 인증 평가항목 분석 : 2010년~2012년 국내 친환경 인증 업무시설의 사례 분석을 중심으로 The Analysis of Evaluation Items of Korea Green Building Certification Criteria in Office Building - Focusing on the Case Study of Office Building Certificated by GBCC from 2010 to 2012 - 저자명  김창성 문서유형  학술논문 참고문헌10건 인용된횟수 도움말1건 학술지 한국실내디자인학회논문집 제22권 2호 통권97호 (2013. 4) pp.11-19 1229-7992 발행정보  한국실내디자인학회 |2013년 |한국 |한국어 주제분야  예술체육 > 디자인  서지링크  국회도서관 (청구기호 747 ㅅ588) , KISTI , 건축도시연구정보센터 <초록> Korea Government have carried out various policies to save the Earth environment from global warming and environmental pollution. It has also executed the Green Building Certification Criteria(GBCC) in 2002. The GBCC of office building was executed in 2003 and was revised twice in 2010 and 2011. Concerns about green building construction were quite increasing to keep the building performances sustainable. The aims of this paper is to check the reliability of weighting factor...