라벨이 #석면오염인 게시물 표시

대형건물내 비고형 석면함유 건축자재에 의한 기중 석면오염 및 관리실태

대형건물내 비고형 석면함유 건축자재에 의한 기중 석면오염 및 관리실태 Asbestos Content in Friable Sprayed-on Surface Material and Airborne Fiber Concentrations in Commercial Buildings ​ 저자 김현욱 학술지정보 한국산업보건학회지 발행정보 한국산업보건학회 1995년 자료제공처 KISTI 의학연구정보센터 한국학술정보 주제분야 공학 >  환경공학 ,  의약학 >  보건학 <초록> Twenty(20) large commercial buildings located in Seoul with friable sprayed-on surface insulation material on ceilings were investigated for asbestos content in bulk material by polarized light microscopy and for airborne fiber concentrations in buildings by phase contrast microscopy. In addition, such building-related variables as building age, numbers of traffic, airflow, surface conditions of the ceiling, temperature, and humidity were studied for any correlation with airborne fiber concentrations. The results were as follows: 1. Chrysotile asbestos was found in two bulk samples with 3-5% content and with 저희   (주)한국녹색인증원은  ' 지속가...