라벨이 #축소모형인 게시물 표시

농촌주택에 적합한 제로에너지 하우스의 프로토타입 연구

농촌주택에 적합한 제로에너지 하우스의 프로토타입 연구 The Study on the Zero-Energy House Prototype of Country House 저자명 (발표자명)임경업, 김빛나, 이철성, 윤종호, 진경일 문서유형 학술발표자료 인용된횟수 도움말1건 학술행사 한국태양에너지학회 2009년도 추계학술발표대회 논문집발행정보 한국태양에너지학회 |2009년 |한국 |한국어 주제분야 공학 > 공학일반  서지링크 KISTI , 기계·건설공학연구정보센터 , 건축도시연구정보센터 <초록> Due to the building energy consumption of total energy consumption of Korea takes over 24%, economizing building energy and using renewable energy resources is being required. To suggest the prototype of zero energy house of country house, the passive systems and active systems are applicated and simulated. In case of wall insulation system is applicated, the heating load of building is reduced. Also, clear triple pair glazing system reduced 2.1% of heating load of building. The amount of reducing heating load by infiltration is depending on the Heating system. In this model, the 0.3ACH made 14.6% saving on heating load from base infiltration 0.82ACH. The solar thermal system...

시뮬레이션을 통한 일조평가방법의 효용성에 관한 연구

시뮬레이션을 통한 일조평가방법의 효용성에 관한 연구 The Efficiency of Evaluation Methodology in Sunshine Access Rights for Apartment Buildings by Computer Simulation 저자명정유근, 김영일, 김정태문서유형학술논문학술지생태환경건축 7(5) 47-52 1598-3730 권호별 논문보기  발행정보 한국생태환경건축학회 |2007년 |한국어 주제분야자연과학 > 생태학|공학 > 건축공학  서지링크KISTI <초록> The high-rise apartment buildings have been constructed in large quantities to provide housing and used to be the popular residential types in Korea. However, it results that a number of problems are provoked such as the deteriorate of comfort and lack of sunshine access. Based on the judicial precedents, the sunshine access right should be guaranteed to enjoy uninterrupted sunlight for more than two hours continually between 9 am. and 3 pm or for more than four hours between 8 am and 4 pm in the winter solstice. The computer simulations are very strong tools to judge that the sunshine access right is infringed or not. This study aims to evaluate the efficiency of two computer s...