라벨이 #단일예산인 게시물 표시

도시재생을 통한 창조도시만들기 : 지방도시재생을 중심으로

도시재생을 통한 창조도시만들기 : 지방도시재생을 중심으로 A Study on the Creative City Development Strategies by Urban Regeneration for Local City ​ 저자 정철모, 노형규 소속 전주대학교, 전주대학교 학술지정보 한국지역개발학회지 KCI 발행정보 한국지역개발학회 2009년 자료제공처 국회도서관 한국학술정보 학술교육원 한국연구재단 주제분야 사회과학 > 지역/지리 ​ <초록> This study focus on the new trends of creative city development and urban regeneration for the enhancement of the local city' competitive situations in the global world. The developed cities have been changed the focus of their urban development policies from the redevelopment of physical environments to the creation of the socio- economic well-being. In this contexts, Now, the urban regeneration and creative city is becoming the fashionable issues for local city strategy in the world. The creative local city regeneration paradigm have been exchanged the targets and approaches of local city policy in Korea. The conclusions of this study include 6 kinds of important implications to the creative loca...