라벨이 #dewcondensation결로인 게시물 표시

동심 배관 내 결로 현상을 수반하는 공기유동 해석

동심 배관 내 결로 현상을 수반하는 공기유동 해석 Air Flow Analysis in a Coaxial Pipe Subject to Dew Condensation 저자명 (발표자명)이형식, 도기정, 이상호 문서유형 학술발표자료 학술행사 대한설비공학회 2006년도 동계학술발표대회 논문집 발행정보 대한설비공학회 |2006년 |한국 |한국어 주제분야 공학 > 공학일반  서지링크 KISTI , 국립중앙도서관 , 건축도시연구정보센터 <초록> In this study, numerical modeling was performed to analyze wet air flow through a coaxial pipe subject to dew condensation for various outer surface temperatures of the inner pipe. The wet air was assumed to be of 20℃ and 80 % RH at constant velocity at inlet and the outer surface of coaxial pipe was considered to be under adiabatic condition. For 4 cases of inner pipe surface temperature ranging from 1℃ to 7℃, the distributions of flow parameters such as temperature, velocity and density were examined and compared. Also condensate mass fraction distributions for each case model were investigated and it was found that for the case of 7℃condition, the condensate mass fraction was about 0.0032 which is 2.4 t...