대학건물의 에너지 소비구조 분석을 통한 신재생에너지 적용 시 에너지 저감효과 연구
대학건물의 에너지 소비구조 분석을 통한 신재생에너지 적용 시 에너지 저감효과 연구 Study on the Energy Reduction Effect Using Renewable Energy Through the Analysis of Energy Consumption Structure in the University Buildings 저자 구본길, 홍원화, 김강민소속경북대학교, 경북대학교, 경북대학교 학술지정보 대한건축학회논문집(계획계) 발행정보 대한건축학회 2013년 자료제공처 국회도서관 한국연구재단 주제분야 공 학 > 건축공학 <초록> In the world, the energy consumption tends to be continuously increasing. If such situation is continued, it is obvious that we will encounter a serious crisis which is the energy depletion in the near future. In order to prevent this crisis in advance, it is necessary to put efforts in diversifying energy sources from the existing fossil fuel to renewable energy, and also reducing energy consumption. The total energy consumption of Korea in 2011 was 275.7 million TOE, increased 4.5% compared with the previous year. Considering the consumption structure for each energy consumption sector, the energy consumed in the building sector is ...