지능형 빌딩 시스템을 위한 임베디드 웹 서버와 XML 웹 서비스의 구현
지능형 빌딩 시스템을 위한 임베디드 웹 서버와 XML 웹 서비스의 구현 I mplementation of Embedded Web Server and XML Web Services for Intelligent Building System 저자 김태국, 장형준, 박귀태 학술지정보 제어·로봇·시스템학회지 발행정보 제어ㆍ로봇ㆍ시스템학회 2007년 자료제공처 KISTI 주제분야 공학 > 제어계측공학 <초록> The existing building control and automation systems which have been applied to buildings are provided by many different vendors and each vendor has its own proprietary protocol. There are many problems in system integration since those building control and automation systems belong to each vendor. Also, the problems of cost and space increase, due to the usage of personal computers as the control servers of DDC(Direct Digital Control) in each facility. Those problems mentioned above can be effectively resolved by using XML Web Services and Embedded Web Server. Embedded Web Server and XML Web Services are technologies emerging out of the IT industries and there are many researches to apply them into many fields. In t...