라벨이 #학교건축인 게시물 표시

21세기를 위한 학교건축 모형 개발

21세기를 위한 학교건축 모형 개발 The Development of School Construction Model for 21st Century ​ 저자 한용진, 김상대, 강경인, 최욱 학술지정보 교육시설:한국교육시설학회지 발행정보 한국교육시설학회 2000년 자료제공처 국회도서관 KISTI 주제분야 교육 > 교육학 ​ <초록> This study aims to suggest a fundamental directions and models of school construction for 21st century. According to the changing educational situation(the 7th national curriculum), it examined the scholarly foundations(historical-philosophical, teaching-learning theoretical, and socio-economical foundation) of school construction. As a result, it suggest a general three models as follows : (1) intelligent school building, (2) community education center, (3) and ecological environment school. ​ <목차> Abstract=46,47,1 1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적=46,47,1 2. 학교건축의 학문적 토대=46,47,1 2.1. 학교건축의 역사-철학적 검토=46,47,3 2.2. 학교 건축의 교수-학습적 검토=48,49,3 2.3. 학교건축의 사회-경제적 검토=50,51,2 3. 학교건축에 대한 현황분석=52,53,1 3.1. 국내 학교건축의 사례=52,53,2 3.2. 선진국의 학교건축 사례=53,54,2 4. 21세기를 ...

사후평가를 통한 녹색건축인증제도 개선방향 연구 - 서울, 경기, 인천지역 학교시설을 중심으로

사후평가를 통한 녹색건축인증제도 개선방향 연구 - 서울, 경기, 인천지역 학교시설을 중심으로 A Study on the Improvement of the G-SEED Based on Post-Occupancy Evaluation - Focused on the School Facilities in Seoul, Gyeonggi and Incheon ​ 저자 박정란 소속 동양미래대학교 학술지정보 청소년시설환경 발행정보 한국청소년시설환경학회 2018년 자료제공처 학술교육원 NRF 주제분야 교육 > 학생지도 ​ #녹색건축인증제 , #학교건축 , #사후평가 , #G -SEED, #SchoolFacility , #녹색건축 , #녹색건축인증 ​ <초록> Abstract : There were no cases of re-certification of school facilities until G-SEED ver.2016 because there were noseparate criteria for re-certification of school facilities and no institutional guidelines. Therefore, it did not meetthe purpose of the certification system, known as the sustainable development throughout buildings life cycle. The most important feature of the G-SEED ver.2016 is that the criteria are divided into those for new andexisting buildings. Therefore, buildings assessed on new certificates can be recertified in accordance with the‘G-SEED for Existing Buildings’ wh...

사후평가를 통한 녹색건축인증제도 개선방향 연구 - 서울, 경기, 인천지역 학교시설을 중심으로

사후평가를 통한 녹색건축인증제도 개선방향 연구 - 서울, 경기, 인천지역 학교시설을 중심으로 A Study on the Improvement of the G-SEED Based on Post-Occupancy Evaluation - Focused on the School Facilities in Seoul, Gyeonggi and Incheon ​ 저자 박정란 소속 동양미래대학교 학술지정보 청소년시설환경 발행정보 한국청소년시설환경학회 2018년 자료제공처 학술교육원 NRF 주제분야 교육 > 학생지도 ​ #녹색건축인증제 , #학교건축 , #사후평가 , #G -SEED, #SchoolFacility , #녹색건축 , #녹색건축인증 ​ <초록> Abstract : There were no cases of re-certification of school facilities until G-SEED ver.2016 because there were noseparate criteria for re-certification of school facilities and no institutional guidelines. Therefore, it did not meetthe purpose of the certification system, known as the sustainable development throughout buildings life cycle. The most important feature of the G-SEED ver.2016 is that the criteria are divided into those for new andexisting buildings. Therefore, buildings assessed on new certificates can be recertified in accordance with the‘G-SEED for Existing Buildings’ whe...

학교건축 환경위생 관리방안 연구

학교건축 환경위생 관리방안 연구 A Study on the Environmental Hygiene Management of School Facilities ​ 저자  허병이, 김성중 학술지정보  교육환경연구: 한국교육환경연구원학술지 KCI Candidate 발행정보  한국교육ㆍ녹색환경연구원 2014년 피인용횟수  1 자료제공처  KISTI 주제분야  교육 > 교육학 키워드환경관리, 청소 전담 인력, 학교환경, 위생 <초록> In order to keep the school's environment safe and clean, it needs to have a regular control system. There are limits to the student's abilities on keeping the school safe and clean, therefore cleaning professionals and specialized companies are needed as well. In case of financial program, principals or chief administrations are in charge of school building's environmental management. And it might cause poor efficiency and imbalance of distributing works on business in their charge and there are limits to keep the school's environment. This paper prepares alternatives of effective school building managements to solve these problems. 녹색건축인증 조성법 ' 및 ...