라벨이 #접근성인 게시물 표시

장애인 및 노인주거의 접근성과 이용성에 관한 국내·외 건축기준 비교연구

장애인 및 노인주거의 접근성과 이용성에 관한 국내·외 건축기준 비교연구 A Comparative Study on the Architectural Design Guideline for the Disabled and the Aged considering Accessibility and Usability ​ 저자 차지언, 김민경, 박용환 소속 한양대학교, 한양대학교, 연세대학교 학술지정보 대한건축학회논문집(계획계) 발행정보 대한건축학회 2007년 자료제공처 국회도서관 한국연구재단 주제분야 공학 > 건축공학 ​ ​ <초록> This study has purpose to suggest fundamental data and directions which are needed to develop architectural guidelines of domestic dwelling facilities for the disabled and the aged. This study analyzes the most recent architectural guidelines of several countries as United States, England, Japan, Sweden and Korea, comparing them through four categories of accessibility, usability, adaptability and visitability. The results of research are like below ; It needs ① to have accessible routes from neighborhood facilities to the residence. ② to have accessible routes from entrance to toilet by way of bedrooms, and plan the resonable routes for hoisters from bedro...