라벨이 #에너지성능지표인 게시물 표시

서울시 녹색건축물 설계기준 및 녹색건축인증(G-SEED) 개정에 따른 공동주택 규모별 에너지성능 소요공사비 분석

서울시 녹색건축물 설계기준 및 녹색건축인증(G-SEED) 개정에 따른 공동주택 규모별 에너지성능 소요공사비 분석 저자 김미연, 김형근 소속 SH공사, SH 공사 학술지정보 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집 KCI 발행정보 한국건축친환경설비학회 2018년 자료제공처 NRF 주제분야 공학 > 건축공학 ​ <초록> This study is to compare the required construction cost of two methods in the application of the ‘Design Standards of Green Buildings’ in Seoul, which was revised in March 2016: ‘Measure 1. Application of Building Energy Efficiency Rating’ vs. ‘Measure 2. Application of EPI Reduction Technology Items’ as well as two methods of excellent rating certification of ‘Green Construction Certification’ which was revised in September 2016: ‘Measure 1. Application of Regulation Level in Building Energy Efficiency Rating’ vs. ‘Measure 2. Upgrade Application of Regulation level of Building Energy Efficiency Rating’. The analysis results on the construction cost in a large-size apartment complex (more than 1,000 households), a mid-size (more than 500 households), and small-size (les...

서울시 녹색건축물 설계기준 및 녹색건축인증(G-SEED) 개정에 따른 공동주택 규모별 에너지성능 소요공사비 분석

서울시 녹색건축물 설계기준 및 녹색건축인증(G-SEED) 개정에 따른 공동주택 규모별 에너지성능 소요공사비 분석 구소 저자 김미연, 김형근 소속 SH공사, SH 공사 학술지정보 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집 KCI 발행정보 한국건축친환경설비학회 2018년 자료제공처 NRF 주제분야 공학 > 건축공학 ​ <초록> This study is to compare the required construction cost of two methods in the application of the ‘Design Standards of Green Buildings’ in Seoul, which was revised in March 2016: ‘Measure 1. Application of Building Energy Efficiency Rating’ vs. ‘Measure 2. Application of EPI Reduction Technology Items’ as well as two methods of excellent rating certification of ‘Green Construction Certification’ which was revised in September 2016: ‘Measure 1. Application of Regulation Level in Building Energy Efficiency Rating’ vs. ‘Measure 2. Upgrade Application of Regulation level of Building Energy Efficiency Rating’. The analysis results on the construction cost in a large-size apartment complex (more than 1,000 households), a mid-size (more than 500 households), and small-size (less ...

서울시 녹색건축물 설계기준 및 녹색건축인증(G-SEED) 개정에 따른 공동주택 규모별 에너지성능 소요공사비 분석

서울시 녹색건축물 설계기준 및 녹색건축인증(G-SEED) 개정에 따른 공동주택 규모별 에너지성능 소요공사비 분석 저자 김미연, 김형근 소속 SH공사, SH 공사 학술지정보 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집 KCI 발행정보 한국건축친환경설비학회 2018년 자료제공처 NRF 주제분야 공학 > 건축공학 ​ <초록> This study is to compare the required construction cost of two methods in the application of the ‘Design Standards of Green Buildings’ in Seoul, which was revised in March 2016: ‘Measure 1. Application of Building Energy Efficiency Rating’ vs. ‘Measure 2. Application of EPI Reduction Technology Items’ as well as two methods of excellent rating certification of ‘Green Construction Certification’ which was revised in September 2016: ‘Measure 1. Application of Regulation Level in Building Energy Efficiency Rating’ vs. ‘Measure 2. Upgrade Application of Regulation level of Building Energy Efficiency Rating’. The analysis results on the construction cost in a large-size apartment complex (more than 1,000 households), a mid-size (more than 500 households), and small-size (less ...

서울시 녹색건축물 설계기준 및 녹색건축인증(GSEED) 개정에 따른 공동주택 규모별 에너지성능 소요공사비 분석

서울시 녹색건축물 설계기준 및 녹색건축인증(G-SEED) 개정에 따른 공동주택 규모별 에너지성능 소요공사비 분석 저자 김미연, 김형근 소속 SH공사, SH 공사 학술지정보 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집 KCI 발행정보 한국건축친환경설비학회 2018년 자료제공처 NRF 주제분야 공학 > 건축공학 ​ #G -SEED, #서울시녹색건축물설계기준 , #녹색건축인증 , #에너지성능지표 , #녹색건축인증연구소 ​ <초록> This study is to compare the required construction cost of two methods in the application of the ‘Design Standards of Green Buildings’ in Seoul, which was revised in March 2016: ‘Measure 1. Application of Building Energy Efficiency Rating’ vs. ‘Measure 2. Application of EPI Reduction Technology Items’ as well as two methods of excellent rating certification of ‘Green Construction Certification’ which was revised in September 2016: ‘Measure 1. Application of Regulation Level in Building Energy Efficiency Rating’ vs. ‘Measure 2. Upgrade Application of Regulation level of Building Energy Efficiency Rating’. The analysis results on the construction cost in a large-size apartment complex (more than 1,000 households), a ...

BIM기반 친환경건축물 등급 인증기준의 에너지성능지표(E.P.I)의 개선방안에 관한 연구

BIM기반 친환경건축물 등급 인증기준의 에너지성능지표(E.P.I)의 개선방안에 관한 연구 Study on Improvement of Energy Performance Index in Green Building Certification System using BIM ​ 저자 이권형, 김인한, 추승연 소속 경북대학교, 경희대학교, 경북대학교 학술지정보 대한건축학회논문집(계획계) 발행정보 대한건축학회 2011년 자료제공처 ​ 국회도서관 국립중앙도서관 한국연구재단 주제분야 공학 >  건축공학 <초록> Today, there is a growing recognition of environmental pollution worldwide and green buildings and energy saving buildings for green growth are collectively being developed, according to the recent architectural trend. For those reasons, many countries in the world are establishing laws for green growth and modifying design guidelines and green building certification systems, currently. Korean government also announced the national strategies for green growth and set ‘Green Building Certification Systems’ and ‘Energy Saving Design Standards of Buildings’ by establishing the Green Growth Committee directly responsible to the President, according to this global trend. In the ...