도서관건축의 리모델링 수법
도서관건축의 리모델링 수법 A Study on Remodeling Method of Library Architecture 저자 이지영 학술지정보 교육시설:한국교육시설학회지 KCI 발행정보 한국교육시설학회 2017년 자료제공처 국회도서관 KISTI 주제분야 교육 > 교육학 <초록> This study is to analyze the remodeling method of library in terms of space extension method and urban regeneration by repurposing function in unused facilities through case study. In many case of library extension, horizontal extensions are more frequent than vertical extensions, because there are limits to extend vertically due to high live load estimation by book stacks. Extension schemes was organized by new building extension method in connection with existing buildings, attaching method small scaled mass or linear mass to existing building, connecting method a plurality of existing small buildings, vertical extension method on the top of the structure, underground extension method using special structure. Unused facility remodeling to the library, large scaled buildings can be developed...