라벨이 #defect인 게시물 표시

공동주택 결로 하자 사례를 통한 개선방안 도출

공동주택 결로 하자 사례를 통한 개선방안 도출 Study on the Improvement Plans of Condensation Defect Examples in Apartment Building ​ 저자 오세민, 박선효, 정광섭 학술지정보 설비공학논문집 KCI 발행정보 대한설비공학회 2017년 피인용횟수 0 자료제공처 국회도서관 KISTI 기계·건설공학연구정보센터  주제분야 공학 > 기타공학  <초록> There are main issues of defect type that condensation, concrete crack and noise in apartment buildings. Especially, according to the Apartment Defect Dispute Mediation Committee in Korea (ADDMC) at Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport in Korea (MLIT), condensation defects are great importance (14 percent) on whole number of reported cases of faults from 2015 in Korea. Most condensation defects have many different causes that take a toll on the resident's life and space. So it is very important to early detection and repair. For preventing the condensation in apartment buildings, there are building codes in Korea such as 'Standard of Method and Judgment for Apartment defect of investigation, Repair cost Es...