라벨이 #제로0에너지인 게시물 표시

제로(0)에너지 환경 농촌 마을 구축 방안 연구

제로(0)에너지 환경 농촌 마을 구축 방안 연구 A Study on the Zero(0)Energy and Environment Construction of rual villages 저자 이광영 소속 남서울대학교 학술지정보 한국농촌건축학회논문집 KCI 발행정보 한국농촌건축학회 2014년 자료제공처 국회도서관 KISTI 학술교육원 건축도시연구정보센터 한국연구재단 NRF 주제분야 공학 >  건축공학 <초록> The 21century is the year of clean renewable alternative energy crisis, in this study the idea of construction of zero energy and environmentally friendly rural village is to be studied. So the purpose of this study is to verify the design guide-line of zero energy and sustainable design of rural village. The results of this study is to be follow:1) the design elements and factors for construction of zero energy and environmentally friendly rural village is derived2) also the guide-line for construction of zero energy and environmentally friendly rural village is derived  The 21century is the year of clean renewable alternative energy crisis, in this study the idea of construction of zero energy and environmentally friendly ru...