라벨이 #무장애공간인 게시물 표시

지체장애인을 위한 대구시립도서관의 무장애 공간 평가 연구

지체장애인을 위한 대구시립도서관의 무장애 공간 평가 연구 Evaluation on barrier-free space at Daegu municipal libraries for the physically disabled ​ ​저자 서희숙 학술지정보 대한건축학회논문집(계획계) KCI 발행정보 대한건축학회 2012년 피인용횟수 2 자료제공처 국회도서관 국립중앙도서관 한국연구재단 주제분야 공학 >  건축공학 <초록> This study aims to evaluate the barrier-free degree of a library, an information services institution which provides intellectual satisfaction to the disabled with restriction on movement. Thus, it intends to provide basic data to a plan for a new space to build or supplement convenient facilities of a library to be utilized as a place for information use and cultural activities by the disabled as equally as the non-disabled.Analysis was made on 8 municipal libraries in Daegu which had been built prior to implementation of the Convenience Improvement Assurance Act by classifying inside, outside facilities and others based on such items as compliance with facilities installation standard availability for a rehabilitation...

지체장애인을 위한 대구시립도서관의 무장애 공간 평가 연구

지체장애인을 위한 대구시립도서관의 무장애 공간 평가 연구 Evaluation on barrier-free space at Daegu municipal libraries for the physically disabled ​ ​저자 서희숙 학술지정보 대한건축학회논문집(계획계) KCI 발행정보 대한건축학회 2012년 피인용횟수 2 자료제공처 국회도서관 국립중앙도서관 한국연구재단 주제분야 공학 >  건축공학 <초록> This study aims to evaluate the barrier-free degree of a library, an information services institution which provides intellectual satisfaction to the disabled with restriction on movement. Thus, it intends to provide basic data to a plan for a new space to build or supplement convenient facilities of a library to be utilized as a place for information use and cultural activities by the disabled as equally as the non-disabled.Analysis was made on 8 municipal libraries in Daegu which had been built prior to implementation of the Convenience Improvement Assurance Act by classifying inside, outside facilities and others based on such items as compliance with facilities installation standard availability for a rehabilitation...

어린이를 고려한 무장애공간 계획기준 및 적용실태 연구 : 어린이 재활병원의 외래부 공용공간을 중심으로

어린이를 고려한 무장애공간 계획기준 및 적용실태 연구 : 어린이 재활병원의 외래부 공용공간을 중심으로 Research on the Design Guidelines and Implementations of Barrier-free Space for Children : Focused on the Common Spaces of the Outpatient Clinics in Pediatric Rehabilitation Hospitals 저자명 조민정 문서유형 학술논문 학술지 한국실내디자인학회논문집 제25권 4호 통권117호 (2016. 8) pp.113-124 1229-7992 KCI  발행정보 한국실내디자인학회 |2016년 |한국 |한국어 주제분야 예술체육 > 디자인  서지링크 ​ 국회도서관 , KISTI <초록>​ This research examines domestic and oversea's barrier-free design guidelines provided exclusively for children and their implementations in the common spaces of the outpatient clinics in two pediatric rehabilitation hospitals in Seoul. Based on literature review, a checklist was developed to compare various barrier-free design guidelines in consideration of children's accessibility in space. In addition, four spatial areas in the outpatient clinics of the two hospitals were investigated based on the checklist. As a result, the domestic and Jap...