노원에코센터(제로에너지건물) 연간 에너지모니터링 결과 분석 연구

노원에코센터(제로에너지건물) 연간 에너지모니터링 결과 분석 연구

Analysis of Annual Energy Monitoring Results in Nowon Eco Center (Zero Energy Building)
저자 임인혁, 이응신, 이명주
소속 명지대학교 대학원, 명지대학교 제로에너지디자인센터, 명지대학교
학술지정보 대한건축학회논문집(계획계)
발행정보 대한건축학회 2014년
자료제공처 NRF
주제분야 공학 > 건축공학
Among world’s effort to take action to the effect of climate change, a district in Korea with a progressive mind took its first step in realizing a net-zero energy ecological center. The concept of net-zero energy building design can only be stated as a fact if the simulated energy demand and the actual monitored usage can be reflected upon its variances. Hence, in this research, the quantitative data sets of simulated and monitored usages were analyzed by comparison and to determine its specific occurrence of variances. From the simulation report, energy demand and the consumption were compared and analyzed based on the data collected from March 2012 to February 2013, through the monitoring system in the subject building. The comparison between the demand and consumption was made in following categories: heating and cooling energy consumption and the energy production from geo-thermal heat pump, lighting energy demand and electricity consumption for lighting, and hot water demand and the energy gained by solar heating. The original programming had changed during actual residence and increased the energy demand, which became the source of error between the simulated data and the monitored consumption. Since this research is based on monitoring of the project building per annum, there could be error occurring form the profile change, weather patterns, or the energy usage patterns by the occupants. Therefore, the further research must be followed with the accumulated data in long-run.

저희 (주)한국녹색인증원은 '지속가능한 저탄소 녹색건축인증 기술연구소'의 전문기업으로 설립되어, 빠른 제도 변화와 변모하는 건설환경에 이바지하고자 합니다. (주))한국녹색인증원은 건축, 도시, 생태분야가 녹색건축물에 접목될 수 있도록 적절한 요소분석을 통해 에너지 절감형 건축, 자생적 생태환경, 온열환경, 빛환경의 면밀한 조사와 연구로 고객의 삶의 질 향상 및 더 나아가 인류의 존속성에 그 목적을 두고 있습니다. 한국녹색인증원은 친환경컨설팅 전문업체로 주택성능등급, 그린홈, 에너지소비총량제, 에너지성능지표검토서, 건물에너지효율등급, 장수명주택


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