장수명주택 가변 방식에 대한 수요 및 요구사항 분석

장수명주택 가변 방식에 대한 수요 및 요구사항 분석
Demand and Requirement Analysis on the Flexible Method of Long-life Housing

저자명 박지영, 송상훈, 박효은
문서유형  학술논문학술지한국주거학회 논문집 제27권 제3호 (2016. 6) pp.1-9 2234-3571 KCI
발행정보  한국주거학회 |2016년 |한국 |한국어
주제분야  사회과학 > 가정학 
서지링크  국회도서관 , KISTI

It is essential to maximize the advantages of long-life housing in consideration of the occupants' demands in order to promote the construction of long-life housing. The diverse plan types with flexibility should be developed based on those demands. Therefore, this study aims to review the level of awareness of long-life housing, and identify the customer needs by conducting the survey for the preference to pre-defined plan types.

The results of survey are as follows: 1) Despite the enforcement of the Long-life Housing Certification System in 2014, the recognition among the customers about the long-life housing is still on the low level as shown in that 79.9% of respondents were not aware of the long-life housing; 2) For three alternative plan types, 78.5% on the integration type in front, 63.1% on the moving kitchen type, 47.0% on the Divided Housing type had intention to change; 3) 68.9% of the total are willingly ready to purchase the long-life housing under the condition of no difference in price between normal apartment and long-life housing. The less the number of family members is, the bigger this ratio of positive purchase intention is. Reflecting these results into the designs is expected to contribute to the enhancement of customer satisfaction as well as the diffusion of long-life housing.


녹색건축인증 조성법' 및 '건물에너지 소비증명제'가 의무화되어 시행되고 있습니다.     
저희 (주)한국녹색인증원은 '지속가능한 저탄소 녹색건축인증 기술연구소'의 전문기업으로 설립되어, 빠른 제도 변화와 변모하는 건설환경에 이바지하고자 합니다. (주))한국녹색인증원은 건축, 도시, 생태분야가 녹색건축물에 접목될 수 있도록 적절한 요소분석을 통해 에너지 절감형 건축, 자생적 생태환경, 온열환경, 빛환경의 면밀한 조사와 연구로 고객의 삶의 질 향상 및 더 나아가 인류의 존속성에 그 목적을 두고 있습니다. 한국녹색인증원은 친환경컨설팅 전문업체로 주택성능등급, 그린홈, 에너지소비총량제, 에너지성능지표검토서, 건물에너지효율등급, 장수명주택인증, CPTED, BF 인증 등 각종 친환경 건축물 인증 을 컨설팅 해드리고 있습니다. 녹색건축인증 의 선도기업이 되겠습니다.


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