저탄소녹색성장정책과 녹색생활양식, 가족에 대한 실천적 함의와 전망

저탄소녹색성장정책과 녹색생활양식, 가족에 대한 실천적 함의와 전망
The Low Carbon & Green Growth Policy and Green Life-Style, The Practical Implication and Vision on Family

저자명  최연실, 성미애 
문서유형  학술논문참고문헌35건인용된횟수 도움말2건학술지Family and Environment Research 제49권 1호 통권267호 (2011년 1월) pp.79-91 1598-9593 KCI
발행정보 대한가정학회 |2011년 |한국 |한국어
주제분야  사회과학 > 가정학 
서지링크  국회도서관 (청구기호 640.5 ㄷ242ㄷ) , KISTI , 국립중앙도서관

The purposes of this study were firstly to explore the practical implications that of ``low carbon and green growth`` policy, which is at the top of the Government`s agenda provides to family, and secondly to propose some visions for a future based on those implications. The results of this study were as follows: Firstly, in terms of a global perspective, there is now a worldwide trend towards the adoption of ``low carbon and green growth`` policies. Secondly, the Government-driven ``green growth policy`` demands a total transformation, that is, revolution, not only in terms of our industries, but also in terms of our mentality and ordinary life. Thirdly, the driving force for this life revolution lies in having green life style, and the family is the primary agent for making the green life style a practical reality.

The purposes of this study were firstly to explore the practical implications that of 'low carbon and green growth' policy, which is at the top of the Government's agenda provides to family, and secondly to propose some visions for a future based on those implications. The results of this study were as follows: Firstly, in terms of a global perspective, there is now a worldwide trend towards the adoption of 'low carbon and green growth' policies. Secondly, the Government-driven 'green growth policy' demands a total transformation, that is, revolution, not only in terms of our industries, but also in terms of our mentality and ordinary life. Thirdly, the driving force for this life revolution lies in having green life style, and the family is the primary agent for making the green life style a practical reality.


저탄소녹색성장정책과 녹색생활양식, 가족에 대한 실천적 함의와 전망 / 최연실 ; 성미애 1
〈Abstract〉 1
 I. 문제제기 2
II. 저탄소녹색성장정책의 사회적 배경 3
III. 저탄소녹색성장정책과 생활혁명 5
 1. 현 정부의 녹색성장정책 5
 2. 녹색생활혁명과 생활양식 패러다임의 전환 6
IV. 녹색생활양식과 가족 7
 1. 가족, 녹색생활양식 실행의 주체 7
 2. 가족관계에서의 녹색생활양식의 구현 9
 V. 결론을 대신하여: 가족과 녹색생활양식의


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