다중이용시설에서의 실내공기중 미생물 분포에 관한 연구

다중이용시설에서의 실내공기중 미생물 분포에 관한 연구
Distribution and Classification of Indoor Concentration of Microorganisms in Public Buildings

저자명 김윤신, 이은규, 엽무종, 김기영
문서유형 학술논문
인용된횟수 도움말 14건 
학술지 한국환경보건학회지 제28권 제1호 통권67호 (2002. 3) pp.85-92 1738-4087
발행정보 한국환경보건학회 |2002년 |한국 |한국어 
주제분야 공학 > 환경공학|의약학 > 예방의학  
서지링크 국회도서관 (청구기호 363.7 ㅎ155) , KISTI , 의학연구정보센터

A measurement of indoor microorganism using Reuter Centrifugal Air Sampler(RCS) was undertaken during October 1991 - February 1999 and 6-Stage Cascade Air Sampler was undertaken during May 2001 - June 2001 in Seoul. Sites including book store, department store, theater, subway station, underground shopping center, hospital, office building, sports facility, and eduationa institutio were chosen to measure indoor microorganism. 

The results were as follows: 1. The average of total microorganism collected on the agar strip GK-A media were, in the order, subway station, hospital, underground shopping center, department store, book store, theater, sports facility, educational institution, office building in sites. The highest concentration of 711cfu/m3 was found in the subway station and the lowest concentration of 44cfu/m3 was found in office building. 2. The average of staphylococci collected on the agar strip GK-S media, in the order, were subway station, underground shopping center, hospital and department store, department store, theater, office building, sports facility and educational institution in sites. The highest concentration of 502cfu/m3 was found in the subway station and the lowest concentration of 14cfu/m3 was found in sports facility and educational institution. 3. The average of fungus collected on the agar strip GK-HS media, in the order, were underground hospital, shopping center, theater, subway station, department store, book store, sports facility, educational institution, and office building in sites. The highest concentration of 252cfu/m3 was found in the hospital and the lowest concentration of 32cfu/m3 was found in office building. 4. Ratio of Indoor/Outdoor, determined by site was 1.12-2.38 in total count, 1.00-2.35 in staphylococci, and 0.99-1.34 in fungus. 5. The positive results of test were 12-24% in indoor and 9-43% in outdoor. 6. By gram staining gram positive cocci were 59.9%, gram positive bacill 24.4%, gram negative bacilli 10.4%, and gram negative cocci 0.5%. 

다중이용시설에서의 실내공기중 미생물 분포에 관한 연구 / 김윤신 ; 이은규 ; 엽무종 ; 김기영 1
 I. 서론 1
 II. 연구방법 2
 1. 연구기간 및 연구대상 2
 2. 미생물 채취 및 배양 2
 3. 세균의 동정법 3
 III. 결과 및 고찰 3
 1. 장소별 전체미생물과 포도상구균, 진균의 분포 특성 3
 2. 장소별 실내·외 미생물의 비율 3
 3. 포도상 구균의 Coagulase Test 결과 4
 4. 측정연도별 병원내 미생물의 평균농도 현황 4
 5. 병원 내 공기 중 세균의 그람염색성 결과 5
 IV. 결론 7

참고문헌 8


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