국내에 도입된 sedum album L. 의 생육 특성 및 저토심 옥상 녹화 시스템에 관한 연구

국내에 도입된 sedum album L. 의 생육 특성 및 저토심 옥상 녹화 시스템에 관한 연구

Studies on Growth Characteristics and Shallow Green-Roof Systems of Sedum album L. Introduced in Korea
저자 김인혜, 허무룡, 허근영학술지정보한국조경학회지 KCI

발행정보 한국조경학회 2005년
자료제공처 국회도서관 KISTI 국립중앙도서관 한국연구재단 
주제분야 농수해양 >  조경학

These studies were carried out (1) to investigate the growth characteristics of Sedum album L. in the field, (2) to propose a suitable shallow peen roof system for this plant, and (3) to evaluate plant growth in the proposed system over the long term. The growth characteristics, such as morphological properties, growth habit, shade tolerance, and flowering, were surveyed. In experimental shallow green-roof systems, the effects of drainage type, substrate type, and soil depth on plant growth were investigated. Then drought tolerance was investigated. After planting Sedum album L. in the proposed system survival rate, cover, and resistance to insects, heal and cold were evaluated for about 2 years. The results of these studies are summarized below. 1. In the field, the aboveground part of Sedum album L. did not die back during the winter. Plant height was 4~7 cm. Roots were distributed to a depth of 5~7 cm. Sedum album L. is a compact ground-cover plant that spreads vigorously. Shading condition of less than 30% of full sunlight didn't cause any trouble, but shading conditions above $87\%$ made the shape of the shoots and leaves abnormal. The plant bloomed from June to August and had a rather large compound umbel of white, star-shaped flowers. 2. Two systems, a drainage-blend-10 cm soil depth and a reservoir/drainage-blend-15 cm soil depth, performed best in terms of cover, fresh weight, and dry weight. The first has an advantage for green roofs because it is lighter than the latter. 3. In drainage-blend-10 m soil depth and modified reservoir · drainage-blend-10 cm soil depth system no plants died for about 4 months after stopping the irrigation. The visual quality of the latter system was above 5 for 4 months and that of the former was under 5 after 2 months. In the field, however, the drought tolerance of Sedum album L. grown in the former would be enough to withstand the dry season. Considering the urban ecosystem and the importance of healthy growth the modified reservoir / drainage-blend-10 cm soil depth system was finally recommended. This system was composed of a 4 cm thick drainage layer and drain outlets placed at a height of 2.5 cm. 4. In the proposed system, the survival rate was 100%, and there was no injury induced by insects and heat. The leaf density decreased a little in winter. Cover increased throughout the year. Sedum album L. was planted with a cover of 72㎠ on 3 April 2003; on 16 June 2003 and 15 June 2004, cover was $132.66\pm$5.87 ㎠(1.8 times) and $886.98\pm$63.51 ㎠(12.3 times), respectively.

국내에 도입된 Sedum album L. 의 생육 특성 및 저토심 옥상 녹화 시스템에 관한 연구 / 김인혜 ; 허무룡 ; 허근영 1
I. 서론 2
II. 연구 방법 3
1. 실험 1: 국내에서의 생육 특성 분석 3
2. 실험 2: 저토심 옥상녹화 시스템에 관한 연구 4
3. 실험 3: 저토심 옥상녹화 시스템에서의 내건성 평가 5
4. 실험 4: 제안된 저토심 옥상 녹화 시스템에서의 생육 평가 6
III. 결과 및 고찰 6
1. 국내에서의 생육특성 6
2. 저토심 옥상 녹화 시스템에 관한 연구 8
3. 저토심 옥상 녹화 시스템에서의 내건성 평가 10
4. 제안된 저토심 옥상 녹화 시스템에서의 생육 평가 11
IV. 결론 12
인용문헌 13

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