친환경건축물인증 아파트의 친환경계획요소 관리 실태

친환경건축물인증 아파트의 친환경계획요소 관리 실태
A Study on the Management of Environmentally Friendly Planning Features in Condominiums with Green Building Certification
저자 석희진, 홍형옥
학술지정보 Family and Environment Research KCI
발행정보 대한가정학회 2011년
피인용횟수 1
자료제공처 국회도서관 KISTI 국립중앙도서관 한국연구재단
주제분야 사회과학 > 가정학 

The purpose of this paper was to examine the management of Environmentally Friendly Planning Features(EFPF) in condominium with Green Building Certification(GBC). A questionnaire survey was conducted among management office staff and residents on six housing estates in Seoul. The data from 200 respondents were analysed using descriptive statistics and t-tests. The main findings were as followings : 1) Most of the staffs considered that garbage collection and recycling, and green spaces were well-managed. 2) The residents indicated that garbage collection and recycling, and green spaces were properly handled, but they failed to recognize these as EFPF. 3) Residency duration was unrelated to the residents` perceptions of the EFPF and their management. In conclusion, neither the residents nor the staff were aware of the GBC system or that their housing estates were built using EFPF. To remedy this, it can be assumed the residents` lack of appreciation of the EFPF can be resolved if they participate in the management of these features. So the residents will need education, and the management staff will require professional training.

 The purpose of this paper was to examine the management of Environmentally Friendly Planning Features(EFPF) in condominium with Green Building Certification(GBC). A questionnaire survey was conducted among management office staff and residents on six housing estates in Seoul. The data from 200 respondents were analysed using descriptive statistics and t-tests. The main findings were as followings : 1) Most of the staffs considered that garbage collection and recycling, and green spaces were well-managed. 2) The residents indicated that garbage collection and recycling, and green spaces were properly handled, but they failed to recognize these as EFPF. 3) Residency duration was unrelated to the residents' perceptions of the EFPF and their management. In conclusion, neither the residents nor the staff were aware of the GBC system or that their housing estates were built using EFPF. To remedy this, it can be assumed the residents' lack of appreciation of the EFPF can be resolved if they participate in the management of these features. So the residents will need education, and the management staff will require professional training.

친환경건축물인증 아파트의 친환경계획요소 관리 실태 / 석희진 ; 홍형옥 1
〈Abstract〉 1
I. 서론 2
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적 2
2. 연구의 내용 및 연구문제 2
3. 연구방법 및 절차 2
II. 이론적 배경 3
1. 친환경건축물인증제도의 운영체계 3
2. 친환경계획요소의 내용 5
3. 친환경계획요소 평가에 대한 선행연구 6
III. 결과 해석 6
1. 조사대상자의 일반적 특성 6
2. 친환경계획요소의 이용현황과 관리 실태 8
3. 아파트 관리특성에 따른 친환경계획요소 관리인식의 차이 10
4. 효율적인 친환경계획요소 관리를 위해 필요한 요소 11
IV. 결론 11
■ 참고문헌 12


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