환경영향평가 문제의 원인 및 연계성 분석을 통한 제도개선 연구

환경영향평가 문제의 원인 및 연계성 분석을 통한 제도개선 연구
Research on Improving EIA Through Causality Analysis

저자명 최준규, 서성철 ,주용준
문서유형 학술논문
참고문헌 10건
인용된횟수 도움말7건
학술지 환경영향평가 제17권 제1호 (2008년 2월) pp.11-24 1225-7184 KCI
발행정보 한국환경영향평가학회 |2008년 |한국 |한국어
주제분야 공학 > 환경공학 
서지링크 국회도서관 (청구기호 363.7 ㅎ259) , KISTI , 한국학술정보 , 국립중앙도서관 , 한국연구재단

The Korea Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) system was introduced in 1977 throughthe Environmental Conservation Act. It has progressed through many laws and regulationspromoting the balance between development and conservation, and functioning as aPreventitive environmental policy. Despite the efforts to minimize environmental damage fromdevelopment and to uplift social awareness of environmental preservation, deficientimpartiality and objectivity in completing and investigating environmental assessments, therehave continously existed conflicts among related stakeholder, neglecting arrangements andineffectiveness of public participation. This research present EIA obstacles and analyzes theoverall status of the EIA through surveys from related experts. On the basis of this research, theactual complications regarding the developer, public participation, examiner and consultant arebrought about. Also, remedies are proposed to ensure effective EIAs and restore confidence in them.

The Korea Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) system was introduced in 1977 through the Environmental Conservation Act. It has progressed through many laws and regulations promoting the balance between development and conservation, and functioning as a Preventitive environmental policy. Despite the efforts to minimize environmental damage from development and to uplift social awareness of environmental preservation, deficient impartiality and objectivity in completing and investigating environmental assessments, there have continously existed conflicts among related stakeholder, neglecting arrangements and ineffectiveness of public participation. This research present EIA obstacles and analyzes the overall status of the EIA through surveys from related experts. On the basis of this research, the actual complications regarding the developer, public participation, examiner and consultant are brought about. Also, remedies are proposed to ensure effective EIAs and restore confidence in them.

환경영향평가 문제의 원인 및 연계성 분석을 통한 제도개선 연구 / 최준규 ; 서성철 ; 주용준 1
 Abstract 1
 I. 서론 1
 1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
 2. 연구방법 2
 II. 환경영향평가의 문제점 도출 및 원인 분석 3
 1. 대중매체(신문)를 통한 문제점 분석 3
 2. 기존 연구결과를 통한 환경영향평가의 문제점 도출 4
 3. 문제점의 원인 분석 4
 III. 환경영향평가 문제점 전반의 인과관계 규명 7
 1. 이해관계자별 문제점에 대한 인과관계 규명 7
 2. 환경영향평가 문제점간의 인과관계 8
 IV. 환경영향평가 개선대안 설정 9
 1. 의사결정지원형 환경영향평가로 개선 9
 2. 의사결정지원형 환경영향평가 개선대안 10
 3. 개선대안에 따른 기관별 역할 조정 12
 V. 결론 13
참고문헌 14


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