원형 석굴암 상부구조의 장마철 결로 및 열전달 현상의 실험적 연구

원형 석굴암 상부구조의 장마철 결로 및 열전달 현상의 실험적 연구
Experimental investigation of dew formation and heat transfer in the original upper structure of Sokkuram grotto

저자 이진기, 송태호
학술지정보 설비공학논문집 KCI
발행정보 대한설비공학회 1999년
자료제공처 국회도서관 KISTI 국립중앙도서관 기계·건설공학연구정보센터 건축도시연구정보센터

Sokkuram grotto, a UNESCO cultural heritage in Kyongju Korea, was originally covered with crushed rocks over its dome with ventilating holes. The grotto was perfectly preserved for more than 12 centuries until the upper structure was replaced with a concrete dome in the early 20th century to protect from total collapse. Since then, heavy dew formed on the granite surface to seriously damage the sculptures until it was further remodeled with air-conditioning facilities in the 60s. It is considered that the original upper porous structure had a dehumidifying capability. This research is made to unveil the dehumidifying mechanism of the rock layer during the rainy season in that area. A rock layer and a concrete layer are tested in a temperature/humidity-controlled room. No dew formation is observed for the two specimen for continued sunny days or continued rainy days. However, heavy dew formed on the concrete surface for a sunny day after long rainy days. It is thought that the sun evaporates water on the ground and dew is formed at the surface as the highly humid air touches the yet cold concrete. On the contrary, no dew formation is observed for the rock layer at any time. Even in the above worst situation, air flows downward through the cool rock layer and moisture is removed before reaching inside. Temperature measurement, flow visualization, observation of dew formation and measurement of air velocity are made to verify the mechanisms. 

Sokkuram grotto, a UNESCO cultural heritage in Kyongju Korea, was originally covered with crushed rocks over its dome with ventilating holes. The grotto was perfectly preserved for more than 12 centuries until the upper structure was replaced with a concrete dome in the early 20th century to protect from total collapse. Since then, heavy dew formed on the granite surface to seriously damage the sculptures until it was further remodeled with air-conditioning facilities in the 60s. It is considered that the original upper porous structure had a dehumidifying capability. This research is made to unveil the dehumidifying mechanism of the rock layer during the rainy season in that area. A rock layer and a concrete layer are tested in a temperature/humidity-controlled room. No dew formation is observed for the two specimen for continued sunny days or continued rainy days. However, heavy dew formed on the concrete surface for a sunny day after long rainy days. It is thought that the sun evaporates water on the ground and dew is formed at the surface as the highly humid air touches the yet cold concrete. On the contrary, no dew formation is observed for the rock layer at any time. Even in the above worst situation, air flows downward through the cool rock layer and moisture is removed before reaching inside. Temperature measurement, flow visualization, observation of dew formation and measurement of air velocity are made to verify the mechanisms.

1. 서론
2. 실험방법
3. 실험의 결과
4. 결론

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