저토심 옥상녹화시스템에 따른 토양수분의 변화

저토심 옥상녹화시스템에 따른 토양수분의 변화
Change Soil Water and Evaluation with Respect to Shallow-Extensive Green Roof System

저자명 박준석, 박지혜, 주진희, 윤용한
문서유형 학술논문
참고문헌 8건
인용된 횟수 도움말3건
학술지 한국환경과학회지 제19권 제7호 (2010년 7월)
발행정보 한국환경과학회 |2010년 |한국 |한국어
주제분야 공학 > 환경공학 
서지링크 국회도서관 (청구기호 363.7 ㅎ155) , KISTI , 의학연구정보센터 , 한국학술정보

0aThis study focused on the characteristics of change soil water with respect to soil thickness and soil mixture ratio, in order to effectively carry out an afforestation system for a roof with a low level of management and a light weight.0a   Soil hardness tended to increase as sand particle was increase regardless soil thickness and soil porosity had more higher artificial soil than natural soil mixture. In case of soil pH, natural soil mixture had between 6.7 and 7.4, and artificial soil mixture had 6.0~6.8. Organic matter, electrical conductance and exchangeable content were highest in L10, which it had the highest leafmold ratio.0aSoil moisture tension(kPa) in 15cm soil thickness was observed natural soil mixture had a considerable change but artificial soil mixture had a gradual change when non-rainfall kept on. In the experimental L10, S10, S7L3 and S5L5 object, the amount of moisture tended to rapidly decrease. However, in the experimental P7P1L2, P6P2L2, P5P3L2 and P4P4L2 objects, which contained pearlite and peat moss, the amount of moisture tended to gradually decrease. As a result, the use of a artificial soil mixture soil seems to be required for the afforestation of a roof for a low level of management.

This study focused on the characteristics of change soil water with respect to soil thickness and soil mixture ratio, in order to effectively carry out an afforestation system for a roof with a low level of management and a light weight. Soil hardness tended to increase as sand particle was increase regardless soil thickness and soil porosity had more higher artificial soil than natural soil mixture. In case of soil pH, natural soil mixture had between 6.7 and 7.4, and artificial soil mixture had 6.0~6.8. Organic matter, electrical conductance and exchangeable content were highest in $L_{10}$, which it had the highest leafmold ratio. Soil moisture tension(kPa) in 15cm soil thickness was observed natural soil mixture had a considerable change but artificial soil mixture had a gradual change when non-rainfall kept on. In the experimental $L_{10}$, $S_{10}$, $S_7L_3$ and $S_5L_5$ object, the amount of moisture tended to rapidly decrease. However, in the experimental $P_7P_1L_2$, $P_6P_2L_2$, $P_5P_3L_2$ and $P_4P_4L_2$ objects, which contained pearlite and peat moss, the amount of moisture tended to gradually decrease. As a result, the use of a artificial soil mixture soil seems to be required for the afforestation of a roof for a low level of management.


저토심 옥상녹화시스템에 따른 토양수분의 변화 / 박준석 ; 박지혜 ; 주진희 ; 윤용한 1
 Abstract 1
 1. 서론 1
 2. 재료 및 방법 2
 2.1. 실험구 및 식재기반 조성 2
 2.2. 측정방법 2
 3. 결과 및 고찰 3
 3.1. 식재지반의 물리·이화학적 특성 3
 3.2. 15 cm 토심에서 토양배합비에 따른 토양수분장력변화 3
 3.3. 토양용적수분변화 4
 4. 결론 6
참고문헌 6


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