소규모 철근콘크리트 모멘트골조 건축물의 초과강도, 연성도 및 반응수정계수

소규모 철근콘크리트 모멘트골조 건축물의 초과강도, 연성도 및 반응수정계수
Over-Strength, Ductility and Response Modification Factor of Small-Size Reinforced Concrete Moment Frame Buildings

저자명  김태완, 추유림, 박홍근, 신영수
문서유형  학술논문학술지한국지진공학회논문집 제20권 제3호 (2016. 5) pp.145-153 1226-525X 
발행정보  한국지진공학회 |2016년 |한국 |한국어
주제분야  공학 > 토목공학 
서지링크   국회도서관 , KISTI , 건축도시연구정보센터 국회도서관 KISTI 건축도시연구정보센터

Small-size buildings are not designed by professional structural engineers in Korea. Therefore, their seismic performance can not be exactly estimated because their member sizes and reinforcement may be over- or under-designed. A prescriptive design criteria for the small-size buildings exists, but it also provides over-designed structural members since structural analysis is not incorporated, so it is necessary to revise the prescriptive criteria.

The goal of this study was to provide an information for the revision, which is seismic performance and capability of small-size reinforced concrete moment frame buildings. For the study, the state of existing small-size reinforce-concrete buildings such as member size and reinforcement was identified by investigating their structural drawings. Then, over-strength, ductility and response modification factor of the small-size reinforced concrete moment frame buildings were estimated by analytical approach along with seismic performance check. The result showed that they possess moderate over-


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